New York Marathon 2010: The Whole Story

It’s marathon blogging time again! Just as in 2008 (see I want to record everything about my marathon – from decision, to training, preparation, the race itself and the suffering afterwards.

Why? Well, for one I have the memory of one of those orange things that swim around in a bowl, so I want to record everything so I can look back at it some day. Secondly, it allows anyone who cares to visit the site to see just how much goes into doing a marathon.

So, this is an introduction to a series of posts that’ll give you the 2010 New York marathon experience through my own eyes. You’ll hear about and literally see blood, sweat and read about the tears that was my journey. Feel the pain, the hope, despair, elation and hopefully you’ll work out just why the heck we runners put ourselves through this…

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