Now I’ve committed to run, I’ve decided to write a blog to detail my experiences throughout the training period.
Mostly, this is for my own benefit so I can look back on it years later. If I had done a blog ten years ago when I did my one and only marathon (London ’98) I may have read it recently and remembered exactly how tough the training was! However, memory fades in time, and my recall of such a wonderful day must have dulled the pain of everything that led to it. Hopefully my body’s forgotten how much punishment it took last time…
I’m publishing it on my site so anyone who knows me can keep a track on how it’s going, maybe leave an encouraging comment, and be satisified that it’s me, not them, pounding the tarmac for hours on end. I’ll try to be entertaining on the way, and not just bore you with my latest pace figures all the time.